ï‚· Coaching programs will draw greater scrutiny: Coaching will continue to be a key tool for executive and leadership development. Organizations expect to see clear success criteria as a part of any engagement to get real returns on this type of a development investment.
ï‚· Demand for basic skills training is expected to re-emerge: Due to volatility in the business environment and budget constraints, programs devoted to developing basic skills often take a back seat. Highly focused training modules designed to meet specific short-term needs or pressing business challenges take prominence over such programs.
ï‚· Globalization will shape more leadership programs: While some organizations have had a global dimension in their leadership development initiatives, most companies realize that they must play catch-up or lose ground in an increasingly integrated, competitive global marketplace.
ï‚· Companies will turn to training to build employee loyalty: As attrition rates increase, senior management is expected to turn to the Human Resources (HR) teams to build closer relationships with high-performing workers. Organizations will increase their focus on leadership and personal development programs in order to improve retention and engagement.
ï‚· Workers will be more assertive about high-potential programs: Up till now, the process of selecting candidates best suited for high-potential programs has been discreet and low key. However, with the selection process becoming more open, ambitious individuals have begun to volunteer enthusiastically for any kind of leadership development offering.
Skill development
Skill development is the most important aspect for the development of our country. India has a huge ‘demographic dividend’ which means that it has very high scope of providing skilled manpower to the market. This needs a coordinated effort from all stakeholders whom so ever are inclusive.
Skills development through eLearning is a hot priority in developing markets where accreditation, standardization, quality control, and competency listing have to be managed for a global listing and career.
The rise of new methodologies of digital learning, or micro learning requires exhaustive applications by the Learning Management System adopted by the companies and the features or services integrated..
The arrangement of creative and socially organized learning that increases the engagement of the learner is also evident in eLearning methods that rank high.
E-Learning is an obvious means of equalization and bridging of knowledge gaps. Skills development is an industry within the eLearning sector, for acquiring the competency to rank in the world. The fields of digital photography, technical writing, gamification, E-certification, social linking and
branding, internet safety, and IP laws are included in the large spectrum of wanted skills for career advancement.
Berenike & Bion provide visionary skill development traits to its employees and set a trajectory for their success.
The major aspects we cover in this insight will be-
ï‚· Skill Development scope
ï‚· Change in workplace in the current Situation
 Possibility of learning – Time Management
ï‚· Learning Platform
ï‚· Internal Training and Certification Facilities within organization
the skills with high specialization involving research and design that can be acquired through doctorate or many years of work experience in a specific sector or area.
According to the National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC), skills can be classified into four levels based on the degree and duration of the training required.
ï‚· Skill Level 1 (semi-skilled) refers to skills that can be acquired through short-term courses, focused interventions and on-the-job training.
ï‚· Skill Level 2 (skilled) refers to skills that are specific to the occupation and can be acquired through technical or vocational training.
ï‚· Skill Level 3 (highly skilled) refers to skills involved in highly technical or commercial level operations and can be acquired though degrees, diplomas and post graduate education. ï‚· Skill Level 4 (highly skilled with specialization) refers to
Job markets all across the world including India are undergoing a tectonic shift. The future of work in India: Inclusion, Growth and Transformation Report , the World Economic Forum sheds light on the future of transformative technology and its impacts on work in India. Some key insights from this report are that companies expect technological change to lead to job creation, not job loss. They recognize the potential of new technologies in the coming years. The whole focus is expected to be on automation of repetitive tasks, time optimization, maximizing productivity, creation of digital platforms for online access to job opportunities and formalizing informal operations. It is critical for people to keep picking up new tricks of their trade and keep themselves updated with new technological changes in their sphere of word.
Besides financial gains in the form of extra income, working from home offers other benefits like flexi-
hours and not having to commute every day, a time-consuming tedium in metros
Possibility of learning:
Possibility of learning is none but time management aspect. When you are currently employed, need to satisfy your manager and job satisfaction, when the work style is so stringent how you will manage.
Berenike & Bion visualize growth with the growth of the employees in career building and upskilling.
We help you manage your time in exploring new additions to your skill and work. Yes, we master in identifying and understanding your training needs and help you grow.
While using an online course platform, you have greater flexibility and freedom in managing your learning resources. Also, you get to have a say in the design and look of the entire website that hosts your online courses and the course in itself – how it is presented as well as promoted.
corporate training is a key segment in the L&D industry to meet the divergent training needs, priorities of organizations are shifting from standalone training programs to a comprehensive one-stop shopping approach .Organizations are increasingly demanding value-added services such as assessment, curriculum design, reporting and tracking from third party training service providers.
There is an increased focus from organizations to measure their Return on Investment (ROI) in terms of
their training programs. From simple technical training, organizations are shifting their focus to management and leadership training.
Employees eat lunch and gain knowledge about a valuable topic. Survey employees to determine interest or ask Human Resources staff to consolidate training needs from employee performance development plans (PDPs).
ï‚· Sponsor an internal conference at which employees can learn new ideas and skills. You can mimic an external conference with lunch and all of the trappings of an external conference at a local conference center. Offer conference sessions taught by internal staff on topics of interest to their internal audience. Picture a real day-long conference and you'll see the opportunity to cross-train across departments, utilize the skills of internal employees, and tap the knowledge of informed resources such as your health insurance provider or your 401(k) source. Internal Training Summary Internal training is a cost-effective, encouraged, effective method for training employees. Whether the training is provided on the job, from informal or formal coaches and mentors, or in internal seminars, brown bag lunches, or conferences, internal training has the potential to positively impact employee learning and development.
Internal training and development leap the huge barriers that encumber external training. Internal training reflects a solid knowledge of the organization’s culture.
Internal training sessions and methods are effective. Especially if they offer employees new skills and ideas, internal training, reading, and meeting can replace much external training in organizations.
Internal training is also cost effective and the training facilitator or resource remains available daily to participants following the training session.
ï‚· Offer an internal training session. The facilitator can be an employee or a trainer or consultant with whom the organization has developed a relationship over time. This ensures that the trainer is cognizant of the organization’s culture and needs.
ï‚· Require employees to train other employees when they attend an external training seminar or they can share the information learned at a seminar or training session. Offer the time at a department meeting, a brown bag lunch, or a scheduled training session to discuss the information or present the information learned externally to others.
ï‚· Purchase relevant business books for employees. To compound the impact of reading, sponsor an employee book club during which employees discuss a current book and apply its concepts to your company. ï‚· Offer commonly-needed training and information on an Intranet, an internal company website.
This works effectively for new employee orientation and gives new employees a source to check following the orientation, too.
ï‚· Provide training by either knowledgeable employees or an outside expert in a brown bag lunch
How to Support Foundation Skill Development In The Workplace
For organizations, foundation skills training represent an investment in talent and offer a means to retain and develop employees to the overall benefit of the business. So, let’s look at some key strategies that help you support and develop foundations skills in the workplace.
For the introduction of any training, it’s vital for the organization to set the right tone. Foundation skills need to be seen for what they are: core skills and vital tools to cope with the challenges of modern work. The message from the top needs to be clear. These are not optional, but rather a fundamental requirement for improved efficiency and productivity. When people speak of a ‘knowledge economy’, they’re recognizing that knowledge itself is an asset. Recognizing the true value of knowledge is a key first step to embedding foundation skills in your organization. The challenge is to make that knowledge readily available and make it easier to acquire, retain, and, critically, apply. That means enhancing its supply.
Knowledge itself is useful, but it becomes truly powerful when it’s applied. Too often in organisations, there’s a divide between training and work. If there’s not an obvious link with the work they’re doing, people tend to regard training as a distraction. Foundation skills training represent a broad collection of subjects that include areas for personal development, offer grounding in core competencies and teach the skills for managing others. With such a range, it’s important to align these skills with the overall business strategy. Job roles can be expressed in terms of core competencies, and training learning outcomes can be designed to meet those competencies. If employees see that training courses and resources are directly tied to job roles, business goals, and performance outcomes, they’ll understand the relevance and take the training.
Relevance is a strong factor in making training more memorable and appealing. But you can go further in motivating people to learn if you add an element of reward and recognition. Passing a piece of training can provide personal satisfaction, but beyond that, there’s the possibility of more public recognition. Many foundation skills courses are tied to CPD or accredited by industry bodies or training institutes. This professional seal of approval recognised across any industry is a powerful means of encouraging uptake or new skills and the continuing enhancement of existing ones. Evidence suggests that performance improves after gaining a qualification as people are anxious to turn their new knowledge into practice. As the phrase suggests, CPD is about continuous development designed to
deliver a solid skills base that enables people to perform better in their current jobs. CPD facilitates a move into other areas as changes in demand and opportunities for development arise.
One of the keys to providing effective Foundation Skill Development is to ensure that it’s seen as useful and effective. CPD schemes hint at one important feature of effective training: it needs to be continuous rather than a one-off, potentially forgettable event. Training needs to be more memorable and more accessible which means freeing it from the classroom or the LMS. Digital content in the form of eLearning features learning strategies that allow the learners to direct their own learning and pursue their studies independently at their own pace and time. Those strategies include gamification which uses a gaming metaphor to challenge learners to meet targets and receive rewards for progress. The game approach mimics the pressure of the working environment but in a fail-safe environment, so learners can learn from their mistakes and explore various strategies to achieve results. Story-based learning places information in context so that learners understand the relevance of the training to their work roles and its impact on performance. This gives training greater credibility. eLearning couples these learning strategies with innovative and attractive use of multimedia to make training more compelling and memorable.
One of the great appeals of eLearning is that it reflects the way people are now accessing and receiving information. Preserving the traditional means of training with the set, one-off training sessions seems increasingly at odds with the way they access information outside the workplace. Online resources such as search engines, wikis, video-sharing sites, and help or discussion forums allow people the means not only to check individual facts but also to participate in learning by experts from around the globe. With so much information out there, you need to be sure that the training you’re offering competes with the expectations such as online resources encourage, and that it’s presented in a way that modern learners appreciate and understand. It’s important here to stress the value of the expertise your training can deliver as opposed to the unknown quality of what’s accessible via a search engine.
It’s another argument for making sure you avail of industry-standard content which you later relate to your own business and training needs.
learning objective can be effectively consumed or refreshed in a matter of minutes. This is training that supports performance directly in the workflow.
With mobile connectivity, people are used to having direct access to information when and where they need it. If you can make your foundation skills content accessible and available on mobile devices, you’ve removed a key barrier to access which has impacted on training. You, then, allow learners to update their skills while they’re at work and on the go. Training can, then, change from being something that’s pushed at learners to something they pull when they need it. It makes it more targeted and personal and, consequently, more compelling and memorable. To take advantage of mobile learning, you need consciously to design your training for it. A microlearning approach delivers training as easily digestible resources that are continuously available to learners. Instead of overwhelming them with too much information, you allow learners to select what they need when needed. And the training point or
In the world of learning design, there’s a key stage that usually comes at the end and is frequently forgotten: evaluation. It’s all very well providing training, making it more accessible, incentivising learners to take it, and employing learning strategies to make it more memorable, but you can’t maximise the benefit if you don’t know or can’t measure its impact. Otherwise, for all the technical innovation, you’ll remain in the traditional mode of learning development where training is pushed at learners because it’s regarded as beneficial. One vital advantage of digital learning resources is that you can easily track who’s using them. You can see which pieces of content have been accessed and by whom. Then you can analyse the information and intervene when content is not being used and discover why. You also need to measure the performance of people after they’ve taken training. CPD
may be one way of recognising attainment, but the real benefit to the organisation comes when the qualification is applied. Evaluation of what’s working and what isn’t, is vital if you’re to sustain continuous training and improve and enhance it through regular iterations.
acquire to help others learn and improve their skills. This is the foundation of a learning culture. Thesestrategies help support foundation skills and make them the core part of employee training. The areas covered by training can be extended, but by creating the right training environment you ensure that whatever the training, it can be supported and sustained across the organisation.
We mentioned setting the tone for foundation skills training and way of enhancing their impact. The ultimate step is to make training self-sustaining so that it becomes a reflex and part-and-parcel of what it means to be an employee of the organisation. This is a cultural shift. It requires the development of a culture of learning where training is seen not only as necessary but as actively beneficial and something that is continually in progress. Training in the workplace needs to be a collaborative affair and reflect the way information is now shared generally online. A key element of foundation skills is personal development which eLearning can enable by making training more learner-centred. But another vital component of foundation skills is the development of others through management or team leadership.
This points to the need to share information between employees and use the expertise that people
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